Ocean Diversity

Sent feedback.

Photo 1
Author: Ship Hunters collection
Location: Rotterdam (NL)
Date: 07/09/2018

Administrative data Technical data
name: Ocean Diversity
built: 1988
call sign: HO4895
IMO: 8725539
flag: Panama
dimensions: 56.12 x 10.71 x 4.43 m
type: research vessel
capacity: N/A
speed: 12.50 kn

former name(s): new name(s):
Gidrooptik ('88-'06)
Swan ('06-'07)
Fugro Navigator ('07-'17)
No known new names

We also have pictures of this vessel under the folowing name(s).

Extra info:
built as oceanographic research vessel "Gidrooptik" (project 503GOI) for the USSR Academy of Sciences, this type is modified "Alpinist" type trawler.

Converted? This vessel is still the same type as it was built.
Museum? No
Scrapping? Not scrapped on 28/10/2019.
Casualty? No