La Recouvrance

Sent feedback.

Photo 1
Author: Ship Hunters collection
Location: (BE) Willebroek
Date: N/A

Photo 2
Author: Ship Hunters collection
Location: (BE) Willebroek
Date: N/A

Administrative data Technical data
name: La Recouvrance
built: 1992
call sign: FVXQ
flag: France
dimensions: 42.00 x 6.40 x 3.20 m
type: schooner
capacity: number of masts: 2
total sail surface: 430 square meters
speed: N/A

former name(s): new name(s):
No known former names No known new names

We also have pictures of this vessel under the folowing name(s).

Extra info:
the model of the ship were the French schooner with a large sailing area an sharp lines, what made them very fast and manoeuvrable, therefore they were used to protect the French coast and trading routes and against the slave trade in the 19th century

Converted? This vessel is still the same type as it was built.
Museum? No
Scrapping? Not scrapped on 01/11/2019.
Casualty? No